| Posted in: MRES Today Newsletter

MRES in beginning stages of planning a new generating facility
Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) is currently evaluating building a natural gas plant
3 miles north of Toronto, South Dakota. Called the Toronto Power Plant, the project aims to ensure the delivery of reliable, resilient, cost-effective and long-term energy solutions to meet the demands of electric consumers.
As coal plants phase out of use and more renewable energy generation is utilized, the Toronto Power Plant will provide a fast power ramp-up to maintain reliability.
Developing and constructing a power plant is a multi-year effort. MRES gathered public feedback on the proposed power plant by holding a public open house June 11 in Toronto. MRES will continue coordinating with landowners, local governments, agencies and other stakeholders throughout the project’s development.
Proposed project components:
• 145-megawatt reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE)
• Approximately 4-mile, 345-kilovolt transmission line
• Gas pipeline connection
• Substation connection in the regional energy market
For more information on the project or resource adequacy in general, please contact MRES Vice President of Power Supply and Operations Terry Wolf at info@mrenergy.com or by calling 605-338-4042.