Guiding Federal Legislation
MRES and its members remain active and involved in the legislative process, and we accomplish that through an aggressive legislative effort.
Energy-related issues continue to remain a focus at a national level, and our staff closely monitors pending federal legislation relevant to MRES and its members. Working with our congressional delegation and other key policymakers is an integral part of our work agenda.
Federal Congressional Delegations
Below is information about the congressional delegations from all four member states:

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Budget (Ranking Member)
- Finance
- Joint Committee on Taxation
- Judiciary
Legislative Contacts:
- Eli Harberts (Energy)
- Chris Conlin (Tax)

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Armed Services
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Ranking Member)
- Republican Policy Committee (Chair)
Legislative Contacts:
- David Bean (Energy)
- Aaron Gottesman (Tax)

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-1st District)
- Energy and Commerce
- Veterans’ Affairs
Legislative Contacts:
- Jackie Hunley (Energy)
- Matt Brady (Tax)

Rep. Zach Nunn (R-3rd District)
- Agriculture
- Financial Services
Legislative Contacts:
- Madeline Dwelle (Energy)
- Caroline Sayers (Tax)

Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-4th District)
- Agriculture
- Ways & Means
Legislative Contacts:
- Tim Medeiros (Energy)
- Connor Rabb (Tax)

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Commerce, Science and Transportation
- Democratic Steering and Outreach (Chair)
- Joint Economic
- Judiciary
- Rules & Administration (Chair)
Legislative Contacts:
- Thomas Liepold (Energy)
- Seth Barnes (Tax)

Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minnesota)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
- Indian Affairs
Legislative Contacts:
- Sindu Nathan (Energy)
- Omar Taher (Tax)

Rep. Brad Finstad (R-1st District)
- Agriculture
- Armed Services
Legislative contacts:
- John Altendorf (Energy)
- Tyler Dunn (Tax)

Rep. Tom Emmer (R-6th District)
- Financial Services
Legislative Contacts:
- Luke Sandlin (Energy)
- Elizabeth Stinebaugh (Tax)

Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-7th District)
- Budget
- Ethics
- Rules
- Ways & Means
Legislative Contacts:
- Sean Murphy (Tax and Energy)

Rep. Pete Stauber
(R-8th District)
- Natural Resources
- Small Business
- Transportation and Infrastructure
Legislative Contacts:
- Shawn Rusterholz (Energy)
- Sean Sullivan (Tax)
North Dakota

Sen. John Hoeven (R-North Dakota)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Appropriations
- Energy and Natural Resources
- Indian Affairs
Legislative Contacts:
- Eric Gustafson (Energy)
- Ty Kennedy (Tax)

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota)
- Armed Services
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Environment and Public Works
- Veterans’ Affairs
Legislative Contacts:
- Michael Helmer (Energy)
- Mary Silverthorn (Tax)

Rep. Julie Fedorchak
(R-North Dakota)
- Education and Workforce
Legislative Contacts:
- Pending
South Dakota

Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Commerce, Science and Transportation
- Finance
Legislative Contacts:
- Ashlynne Beninga (Energy)
- Adam Wek (Tax)

Sen. Mike Rounds (R)
- Armed Services
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Indian Affairs
- Select Committee on Intelligence
- Veterans’ Affairs
Legislative Contacts:
- Lucas Heitkamp (Energy, Ag, Public Lands)
- Kathleen Gayle (Tax)

Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-South Dakota)
- Agriculture
- Select Committee on China
- Transportation and Infrastructure
Legislative Contacts:
- Chance Hunley (Energy)
- Elizabeth Lloyd (Tax)
Impacting Federal Regulation
MRES and its members actively monitor and participate in major federal regulatory matters, as the regulatory landscape is changing. We participate or intervene in matters that affect MRES and our member municipal electric utilities through targeted efforts in specific agency dockets. We will post more information when issues important to MRES and to our members arise.