CapX2020 utilities continue successful collaboration as Grid North Partners
Following the development and construction of more than 800 miles of new high-voltage transmission infrastructure in the Upper Midwest, the 10 CapX2020 utilities have renamed their organization Grid North Partners. The new name reflects the partners’ strategy to identify collaborative solutions to meet the region’s evolving energy needs.
The companies published a 2050 Vision Report in 2020 that identified the need for new transmission infrastructure as the region’s energy mix shifts. The group continues to work with policymakers and stakeholders to explain the study’s findings and to advocate for policies that will ensure the continued delivery of reliable and affordable electricity to customers.
The Grid North Partners include Missouri River Energy Services, Central Municipal Power Agency/Services, Dairyland Power Cooperative, Great River Energy, Minnesota Power, Otter Tail Power Company, Rochester Public Utilities, Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, WPPI Energy and Xcel Energy.
MRES is part of two of the nation’s regional transmission organizations. MRES became a member of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., (MISO) in 2003 when MISO was created in a region including half of the MRES member load. In 2015, MRES became part of the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), after the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), which provides about 40 percent of the power used by MRES members, joined SPP. The SPP footprint includes the MRES members that are not in the MISO footprint.